Sản phẩm


Mã sản phẩm :

2-times life size heart model is based on CT scan data of a healthy, adult male and is anatomically correct inside and out. Reproduced sections: (external & luminal surfaces) right atrium, left atrium / right ventricle, left ventricle / aorta /superior &
inferior vena cava / pulmonary vein / coronary artery, veins (luminal) mitral valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve, pulmonary valve / papillary muscle / coronary sinus
The model is pliable which allows seeing all internal structures. For easy examination a scalpel can be used on the model for opening requested areas.

Uses of the model:

- A simulator for practice in coronary artery bypass grafting or other surgery

- A catheterization simulator (coronary arteries not hollow)

- Educational model for learning surgery skills.